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New Advocates Urged to Serve with Integrity
Some of the advocates that were enrolled at the High Court

At least 57 lawyers were enrolled as advocates of the High Court in a ceremony that was presided over by HW Amos Kwizera the Registrar of Planning, Research and Development, appearing for the Chief Registrar. 

While reading through the CR's speech at the Friday (May 13, 2022) ceremony, HW Kwizera congratulated the newly enrolled advocates for joining the profession of the learned. "This profession comes with power, prestige, and status in society which places heavy responsibilities, we urge each of you to assist the Court in reaching a fair and just decision," the speech read.

The Chief Registrar wrote that the road to success in the legal profession lies in the "meticulous observance of ethics which are broad and go beyond integrity, honesty, fairness, and compassion".

The new advocates were therefore urged to serve with honesty, diligence, professionalism, competence, transparency, compassion, and sobriety.

Ms Peace Atocho representative from the Law Council advised the advocates to uphold a high degree of professionalism since the occupation is highly regulated. She urged them to emulate those who have made imprints in the profession while embracing technology. 

Mr Chemisto Shuaib Kubai Rayan on behalf of the president Uganda Law Society said, the enrolment was a milestone ushering them into legal practice. He emphasized the importance of giving back to the community through taking interest in legal aid services. 

Hon. Moses Okot Junior, Member of Parliament Kioga County, (Northern Uganda) issued a vote of thanks on behalf of the new officers of the court. Mr Okot appreciated the Law Council and the Judiciary of Uganda for enabling a transformed process of enrolment for the lawyers. "Thank you for making the process simple and very welcoming to the advocates, we greatly appreciate the advice given to us," he said.

Posted 13th, May 2022
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